Free Game Alliance Logo

Free Game Alliance

Get Involved!

In Brief

All projects in FGA use an open development approach. This means they are eager to leverage the community (YOU!) to improve their creations. Unlike commercial companies, where you rarely have the ability to interact with the developers, FGA members encourage (within limits) players interaction and they are actively seeking new talented and motivated developers to join the team!

If you like one of the games or multiple games, there is no better way than getting involved right now by playing and contacting the developers for contributions.


FGA has selected the games with particular attention to the requirement on an open development cycle. This means the projects will eagerly listen to your ideas on how to improve the game and are willing to accept you as a contributor of the team if you have the proper skills and talent.

Every project may have slightly different needs, but here are the typical elements you can contribute to:

There can be many other ways to help and the best way is to get in touch with the developers and ask!

Click on the FGA logo, select a project and then click on "chat". You will join a chat room where you can discuss with other players and with the developers. Usually developers are denoted with a @ symbol in front of their nick.